The Star April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco In the Star card, a woman can be seen kneeling at the edge of a small pond while holding two containers of water. One of the containers is pouring water...
The Tower April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco The Tower card portrays a tall tower situated on a mountain peak, which is struck by lightning, resulting in it catching fire. Flames burst out of the windows, and individuals...
The Devil April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco The Devil tarot card depicts a creature that is half-human and half-goat, with bat wings and the legs of a bird of prey, sitting atop a stone block. Two nude...
Temperance April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco The Temperance card features a winged angel whose gender is not immediately clear, symbolizing gender balance. The angel's feet are placed in water, representing the subconscious mind, and on dry...
Death April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco In this depiction, Death is shown as a living skeleton riding a stunning white horse and holding a black flag with a white pattern. The armor worn by Death symbolizes...
The Hanged Man April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco This card portrays a man who is hanging upside down from the world tree, supported by his foot, with the tree's roots extending deep into the underworld and holding up...
Justice April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco The Justice tarot card is a representation of concepts such as truth, equity, and legal system. As she is seated in her throne, the scales held in her left hand...
Wheel of Fortune April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco Displayed on the Wheel of Fortune card is a large wheel with three figures situated on its outer edges. The letters TORA inscribed on the wheel are believed by astrologers...
The Hermit April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco In the Hermit tarot card, we see an elderly man standing alone atop a mountain, clutching a lantern and a staff in each hand. The mountain signifies achievement, growth, and...
Strength April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco This tarot card depicts a woman calmly gripping the jaws of a fully grown lion, indicating her dominance over it. Despite the lion's menacing appearance, the woman controls it with...
The Chariot April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco The Chariot tarot card features a person seated in a vehicle being driven by two sphinxes that are black and white in color. The card has a celestial influence, with...
The Lovers April 18, 2023Bianca Moyco The Lover card shows a man and a woman standing in a garden, with an angel hovering above them. The man and woman are naked, symbolizing their openness and vulnerability,...